Atypical Subtrochanteric and Diaphyseal Fractures of the
Femur Possibly Associated with Bisphosphonate |
비스포스포네이트와 연관된 대퇴골 전자하부 및
간부의 비정형성 골절 |
서준영,남광우 |
제주대학교 의학전문대학원 정형외과학교실 |
Abstract |
Several recent papers have reported atypical femoral subtrochanteric or dyaphyseal insufficiency fractures associated
with long-term bisphosphonate use. There still has been the debate on the relationship between bisphosphonates and
atypical fractures. Furthermore, the pathogenesis of the atypical femoral fractures is not fully elucidated. Here, we
intended to look into the atypical femoral subtrochanteric or dyaphyseal fracture through the literature search and also
discuss the natural course of the femoral insufficiency fracture. We found that atypical femoral fractures have somewhat
a relation with bisphosphonates despite rare occurrence. We also found that atypical cortical reactions or incomplete
atypical fractures are ultimately apt to fracture completely. Conclusively it is better to perform prophylactic stabilization
in the atypical femoral subtrochanteric or dyaphyseal fractures if pain, the longer duration of bisphosphonate use, or
the cortical thickening on outer cortex is present. [Korean Journal of Bone Metabolism, 17(2): 55-62, 2010] |
Key Words:
Atypical, Bisphosphonate, Femur, Insufficiency fracture, Subtrochanter |