Korean J Bone Metab > Volume 16(2); 2009 > Article
Korean Journal of Bone Metabolism 2009;16(2):103-110.
Nutrient Intake and Osteoporosis: A case-control Study in Korean Postmenopausal Women
폐경 후 골다공증 여성의 영양소 및 식품 섭취 상태 평가
한양대학교 식품영양학과, 서울 성모병원 내분비내과1, 경희대학교 병원 내분비 핵의학과2, 삼성 서울병원 내분비내과3, 중앙대학교 용산병원 산부인과4, 관동대학교 제일병원 내분비내과5, 서울아산병원 정형외과6, 성균관대학교 내분비내과7, 순천향대학교 산부인과8, 경희대학교 내분비내과9, 순천향대학교 내분비내과10
Osteoporosis, a common disease among postmenopausal women has been known to be influenced by the diet. The purpose of this study was to compare the intake of nutrients and food of Korean postmenopausal women with and without osteoporosis.
Seventy-two cases with osteoporosis and 72 age-matched controls without osteoporosis were recruited from 10 hospitals around Seoul during April 1 through September 31, 2009. Osteoporosis was determined following the ISCD guideline. Data for the intake of foods and nutrients were obtained by food frequency questionnaire and was analyzed by Can-pro 3.0. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS. Result: Age (59.8 vs. 58.0 years old) and age of menopause (51.2 vs. 53.1 years old) were not significantly different between cases and control, but height, weight, and body mass index were significantly greater in controls than cases, and Hormone replacement therapy was significantly more frequent in controls. Controls consumed significantly more energy and most of nutrients, such as protein, plant protein, animal protein, plant fat, carbohydrate, fiber, plant calcium, animal calcium, phosphorous, plant iron, animal iron, sodium, potassium, zinc, vitamin A, carotene, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, niacin, vitamin C, folate, vitamin E, cholesterol, total fatty acids, saturated fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and n-3 fatty acids. In addition, consumption of fish was significantly greater in controls than cases.
The results suggested that adequate intake of food and nutrients may prevent osteoporosis after menopause. [Korean Journal of Bone Metabolism, 16(2): 103-110, 2009]
Key Words: Nutrient intake, Diet, Pstmenopausal women, Osteoporosis


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