Changes of Serum Parathyroid Hormone and Bone Turnover Status According to
Serum Vitamin D Levels in Korean Postmenopausal Women |
한국 폐경 여성에서 혈청 비타민 D 농도에 따른
혈청 부갑상선호르몬 농도 및 골대사의 변화 |
박소영,임창훈,김성훈,한기옥,윤현구 |
관동의대 제일병원 내과 |
Abstract |
Objective Vitamin D plays a major role in calcium homeostasis and bone turnover. The object of this study is to investigate changes of serum parathyroid hormone and bone turnover status related to serum vitamin D levels in Korean postmenopausal women.
Methods A retrospective chart review study was conducted among 472 postmenopausal women attending the department of endocrinology between January 2000 and December 2002. We included women without a history of diseases or medications known to affect bone and calcium metabolism who completed extensive laboratory testing including alkaline phosphatase, 24-hr urinary calcium and phosphate, 25-hydroxyvitamin D, PTH and urinary deoxypyridinoline.
Results The prevalence of vitamin D deficiency (serum 25-OHD ≤ 20 ng/ml) was 73%. On comparing patients with normal and low 25(OH)D, a significant difference was found in PTH, 24-hr urinary calcium and a bone resorption marker. Using exponential decay formula, the PTH concentration approached a theoretical low plateau at 25(OH)D concentration more than 17.16 ng/ml.
Conclusion Our study shows that vitamin D deficiency is related to the changes of calcium homeostasis indicators and PTH, which might cause increase in the bone resorption marker.
Key Words:
Vitamin D, Parathyroid hormone, Postmenopausal women, Bone turnover marker |