Has Applied Osteoporosis Treatment for the Colles Fracture? |
콜레스 골절 후 골다공증에 대한 치료 실시
여부에 대한 연구
장재석,윤준오,이기원,김지완,류석우*,박형무** |
울산대학교 의과대학 서울아산병원 정형외과학교실, 울산대학교 의과대학
울산대학교병원 정형외과학교실*, 중앙대학병원 산부인과학교실**
Abstract |
Purpose As the Colles fractures in old age are related to the osteoporosis, the treatment of osteoporosis is necessary to prevent concurring serious fractures including hip fractures. However there were no reports on the extent, relationship and treatment of osteoporosis for the patient with Colles fracture in Korea. We analyzed the extent of osteoporosis study and treatment of osteoporosis after Colles' fracture.
Materials and Methods: From February 1999 to January 2002, 280 Colles fractures from 3 hospitals were included in this study. 94 cases (33.6%) were male with an average age of 59.3 years, and 186 cases (66.4%) of female with an average age of 64.0 years. This study was focused on whether these patients received any osteoporosis study, osteoporosis medication or consultation to a specialist in this area after Colles' fracture.
Results Only 8.6% (24 cases) of Colles fractures received osteoporosis evaluation, 22 were female and 2 male, and 5 cases (1.8%) were consulted to a specialist. Among 24 cases, 16 cases (66.7%) showed low BMD (T-scores below -2.5) and 4 cases (16.7%) were osteopenic (T-scores below -1.5). Only 3.6% (10 cases) received medication and all were female. No medication was given to 4 cases whose T-scores were under -2.5.
Conclusions Osteoporosis in Colles fracture was not paid much attention, and management of the osteoporosis in Colles' fracture has been neglected in Korea.
Key Words:
Colles fracture, Osteoporosis |