Korean J Bone Metab > Volume 12(2); 2005 > Article
Korean Journal of Bone Metabolism 2005;12(2):217-223.
An Epidemiological Study of Osteoporosis in Ibansung-Meon, Jinju, by using Quantitative Ultrasound
초음파 측정법을 사용한 진주시 이반성면 지역 골다공증 유병률에 대한 역학조사
경상대학교 의과대학 정형외과학교실, 내과학교실1, 방사선과학교실2, 예방의학교실3, 진주시 보건소4, 경북대학교 의과대학 정형외과학교실5
This cross-sectional study was conducted to estimate incidence of osteoporosis among persons over 50 years of age, in Ibansungmun, Jinju-shi, Korea during the year 2004. Materials and Methods: Nine hundred fifty-eight people (man 456, woman 507) over 50 years of age who lived in Ibansungmun had been performed ultrasound parameter measurement at the calcaneus using QUS (Quantitative Ultrasound). The risk factors of osteoporosis collected from the questionnaires for each people included age, sex, medical history, fracture, body-mass index, smoking habits, alcholol consumption, physical activity, and consumption of drugs capable of affecting bone metabolism. Especially, risk factor questionnaires for woman included age at menopause, duration of menopause, number of live-born offspring and history of estrogen medication.
Of the 993 residents, 230 (50.4%) in men and 505 (93.9%) in women were measured bone mineral density and responsed questionaires. The incidence of osteoporosis using cut-off point of -2.5 T-score on QUS were 66 (28.7%) in men and 290 (57.4%) in women. The mean age of male was 69.4 years (range, 50~90 years) and female was 69 years (range, 50~90). According to multiple regression test, Older age and lower body mass index in male and female, and the duration after menopause were related with osteoporosis and revealed independent risk factor for osteoporosis.
The high osteoporosis incidence rate and osteoporosis induced fractures will be major problems of rural area. A comprehensive countermeasures of social and health of the elderly in rural area is needed in the future.
Key Words: Osteoporosis, Incidence, Risk factor, Jinju-shi
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