Does Bone Mineral Density Differ between Fan-Beam and Pencil-Beam?: A Meta-Analysis and Systemic Review
Byung-Ho Yoon, Young Do Koh, Jun-Il Yoo, Sujin Kim, Guen Young Lee, Sung Bin Park, Yong-Chan Ha
J Bone Metab. 2021;28(1):67-77.   Published online 2021 Feb 28     DOI:
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Cross-Calibration Study of The Stratos And Hologic QDR 4500A Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometers to Assess Bone Mineral Density And Body Composition
Laurent Maïmoun, Sandrine Alonso, Krishna Kunal Mahadea, Vincent Boudousq, Thibault Mura, Denis Mariano-Goulart
Journal of Clinical Densitometry.2023; 26(4): 101434.     CrossRef